April 23, 2020
Od 10.06.2020. do 10.07.2020. godine i dalje, do donosenja odluke Naučnog veća VLATACOM INSTITUTA DOO o predlogu za izbor u naučno zvanje, na javni uvid daje se sledeći dokument (original dokumenta je istovremeno dostupan u radno vreme u Biblioteci Instituta):
Od 10.06.2020. do 10.07.2020. godine i dalje, do donosenja odluke Naučnog veća VLATACOM INSTITUTA DOO o predlogu za izbor u naučno zvanje, na javni uvid daje se sledeći dokument (original dokumenta je istovremeno dostupan u radno vreme u Biblioteci Instituta):
23rd International Europe Award for Quality
New Millennium Award
The Diamond Eye Award
For Quality Commitment and Excellence
JISA - Union of ICT Societies
Award for Management
2007, 2012, and 2014
Outstanding Performance Award for 2003 & 2004
International Quality Award
The Arch of Europa
Gold 2010
Motorola 2004
In Recognition Of An Outstanding Performance
Geneva 2010, Switzerland
The Platinum Technology Award for Quality & Best Trade Name
Appreciation Plaque 2014
Ministry of the Interior
Republic of Serbia
For assistance during the flooding in Serbia
Ministry Of Internal Affairs
Republic of Serbia
For the provided assistance and excellent cooperation in the the security field
Appreciation Plaque 2017
Ministry of the Interior
Republic of Serbia
For repairing the "Amper" border surveillance system