April 23, 2020
Od 10.06.2020. do 10.07.2020. godine i dalje, do donosenja odluke Naučnog veća VLATACOM INSTITUTA DOO o predlogu za izbor u naučno zvanje, na javni uvid daje se sledeći dokument (original dokumenta je istovremeno dostupan u radno vreme u Biblioteci Instituta):
Od 10.06.2020. do 10.07.2020. godine i dalje, do donosenja odluke Naučnog veća VLATACOM INSTITUTA DOO o predlogu za izbor u naučno zvanje, na javni uvid daje se sledeći dokument (original dokumenta je istovremeno dostupan u radno vreme u Biblioteci Instituta):
2015 - 2018
12.12.2018 Presentation by the Institute's associates – notable exhibitions and trade fairs.
29.08.2018 Lecture on the topic: „Machine learning and its applications“, by Oge Marques, PhD, Florida Atlantic University, U.S.A.
05.07.2018 Lecture on the topic: „Advanced Algorithms for Video Processing“, held by colleagues: Branka Stojanović, Nataša Vlahović, Miloš Stanković i Milan Stojanović.
31.05.2018 Aleksandar Sićović, PhD, presented at the workgroup meeting for electro-optics systems.
28.05.2018 Mateja Sedlaček from Phonexia held a presentation.
04.05.2018 Presentation of software package functionality LabVIEW, guest from Egypt, Mr Ahmed Abodorra.
13.04.2018 Lecture on the topic: „Prepoznavanje registarskih tablica primenom konvolucionih neuronskih mreža“, Miljan Vučetić PhD, Scientific Associate.
16.03.2018 Lecture on the topic: „Neural networks and deep learning - konvolucione neuralne mreže“, Branka Stojanović PhD.
16.03.2018 Lecture on the topic: „Neural networks and deep learning - konvolucione neuralne mreže“, Branka Stojanović PhD.
28.02.2018 Lecture on the topic: „GStreamer - programsko okruzenje za kreiranje multimedijalnih aplikacija“, colleague Aleksandar Simić.
23.02.2018 Lecture on the topic: „Neural networks and deep learning - rekurentne neuralne mreže“, Nemanja Ilić PhD, Scientific Associate.
09.02.2018 Lecture on the topic: „Neural networks and deep learning“, prof. Srđan Stanković PhD.
26.01.2018 Lecture on the topic: „Traffic Violation Detection and Vehicle Identity Verification“, guests from Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic, Jakub Sohor and Jakub Španjhel.
18.12.2017 Lecture on the topic: „Overview of research of Graph@FIT research group of Faculty of Information Technology, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic“, Pavel Zemčik PhD.
11.12.2017 Lecture on the topic: „Neural networks and deep learning“, prof. Srđan Stanković PhD.
01.12.2017 Presentation of the works of the institute associates.
24.11.2017 Lecture on the topic: „Neural networks and deep learning“, prof. Srđan Stanković PhD.
14.11.2017 Lecture on the topic: „Neural networks and deep learning“, prof. Srđan Stanković PhD.
27.10.2017 Lecture on the topic: „Neural networks and deep learning“, prof. dr Srđan Stanković.
13.10.2017 Lecture on the topic: “Hardver novog uredjaja za šifrovanje govora”, I. Milojević, N. Latinović, S. Ćirković, N. Cvetićanin, D. Čoja i B. Keneški.
16.06.2017 Lecture on the topic: „Neural networks and deep learning“, prof. dr Srđan Stanković.
09.06.2017 Lecture on the topic: „Neural networks and deep learning“, prof. dr Srđan Stanković.
02.06.2017 Presentation of the works of Vlatacom Institute associates for the International Conference IcETRAN 2017.
19.05.2017 Lecture on the topic: „Neural networks and deep learning“, prof. dr Srđan Stanković.
12.05.2017 Lecture on the topic: „Neural networks and deep learning“, prof. dr Srđan Stanković.
05.05.2017 Lecture on the topic: „Neural networks and deep learning“, prof. dr Srđan Stanković.
28.04.2017 Presentation from the conference: SPIE Defense + Commercial sensing, Anaheim 2017.
22.12.2016 Lecture on the topic: “Radiometry & Photometry Fundamentals”, dr Branko Livada.
05.12.2016 Lecture: „Određivanja brzine i dimenzija vozila monokularnom kamerom“ prof. Adam Herout, Jakob Sochor, dipl. ing., Brno University of Tehnology i „Prepoznavanje modela vozila pomoću neuralnih mreža“, Adriano Mercarini, Tattile, Brescia.
25.11.2016 Presentation of the results of the projects and feedback from Vlatacom Insistute associates. \
18.11.2016 Presentation of the works of Vlatacom Institute associates at the 24th Telecommunication forum Telfor 2016.
27.10.2016 Presentation of the works of Vlatacom Institute associates which participated at the International Conference OTEH 2016.
13.09.2016 Training/course on the topic: “Primena FPGA tehnologija za umrežavanje, kriptografiju, obradu video signala i softverski definisani radio”, dr Miroslav Perić.
07.09.2016 Presentation of project activities on the project iARTIST, dr Aleksej Makarov.
06.09.2016 Presentation of the products and solutions from the portfolio of the international company RFEL.
15.07.2016 Presentation by the company RFEL i Leonardo/Selex, dr Dragana Perić.
04.07.2016 Lecture on the topic: “IDS sistemi (Intrusion Detection Systems)“, prof. dr Slobodan Petrović.
01.07.2016 Presentation “Pregled rešenja potencijalno interesantnih za Vlatacom prikazanih na sajmovima: Embedded World 2016, ISS World 2016 i Eurosatory 2016”.
20.06.2016 Presentation of works from scientific conferences.
17.06.2016 Lecture on the topic: „Internet of Things (IoT)“, dr Srđan Krčo.
10.06.2016 Tribune at which the works from the ETRAN conference were showcased.
08.06.2016 Lecture on the topic: “Industry/University Collaboration in Creating Innovative Multimedia Technologies”, prof. dr Borko Furht, Florida Atlantic University.
07.06.2016 Lecture by the representative from RTCom.
03.06.2016 Lecture by the representative from Semi Conductor Devices (SCD).
02.06.2016 Tribune at which the works from the ETRAN conference were showcased.
13.05.2016 Tribina na temu: “Problemi i načini rešavanja video stabilizacije u realnom vremenu na komleksnim mutisenzorskim sistemima”.
06.05.2016 Lecture by the guest from Oxford: "Digital Cameras: What next“, Bhaskar Choubey.
27.04.2016 Lecture on the topic: “Showcase SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing 2016”.
03.03.2016 Lecture on the topic: “Embeded World 2016 - pregled rešenja potencijalno značajnih za Vlatacom”.
12.11.2015 Presentation of the works of the institute associates.
10.09.2015 Seminar on the topic: "Laboratory Environment for Verification of Protected Multi Gigabit Transmission Systems".