April 23, 2020
Od 10.06.2020. do 10.07.2020. godine i dalje, do donosenja odluke Naučnog veća VLATACOM INSTITUTA DOO o predlogu za izbor u naučno zvanje, na javni uvid daje se sledeći dokument (original dokumenta je istovremeno dostupan u radno vreme u Biblioteci Instituta):
Od 10.06.2020. do 10.07.2020. godine i dalje, do donosenja odluke Naučnog veća VLATACOM INSTITUTA DOO o predlogu za izbor u naučno zvanje, na javni uvid daje se sledeći dokument (original dokumenta je istovremeno dostupan u radno vreme u Biblioteci Instituta):
Papers published in 2018
I Journal papers
Stojanović, B., Marques, O. and Nešković, A. (2018). “Deep Learning Based Approach to Latent Overlapped Fingerprints Mask Segmentation”, IET Image Processing.
Vučetić, M. and Hudec, M. (2018). “A Fuzzy Query Engine for Suggesting the Products Based on Conformance and Asymmetric Conjunction”, Expert Systems with Applications, 101, July 2018, 143-158.
Stojanović, B., Milićević, S. and Stanković, S. (2018). “Improved Dehazing Techniques for Maritime Surveillance Image Enhancement”,Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering, 15(1), Feb. 2018., 53-70.
Nikolić, D., Stojković, N. and Lekić, N. (2018). “Maritime over the Horizon Sensor Integration: High Frequency Surface-Wave-Radar and Automatic Identification System Data Integration Algorithm”, Sensors, 18(4), 1-17.
Stanković, M., Stanković, S. and Johansson, K.H. (2018). “Asynchronous Distributed Blind Calibration of Sensor Networks Under Noisy Measurements”, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 5(1), 571-582.
Al Ali, K.O., Ilić, N., Stanković, M. andStanković, S. (2018). “Consensus-Based Distributed Adaptive Target Tracking in Camera Networks using Integrated Probabilistic Data Association”, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 1(13).
Stankovic, M.S., Stankovic, S.S. and Johansson, K.H. (2018). “Distributed Time Synchronization for Networks with Random Delays and Measurement Noise”, Automatica, 93, 126-137.
Al Ali, K.O., Ilić, N., Stanković and M., Stanković, S. (2018). “Distributed Target Tracking in Sensor Networks Using Multi-Step Consensus”, IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 12(9), 998-1004.
Radenković, M., StankovićM. andStanković, S. (2018). “On Stochastic Extremum Seeking via Adaptive Perturbation–Demodulation Loop”, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications.
Radenković, M. S., Stanković, M.S. and Stanković, S.S. (2018). “Extremum Seeking Control with Two-Sided Stochastic Perturbations”, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 56(5), 3766-3783.
Stanković, M.S., Stanković, S.S., Johansson, K.H., Beko, M. and Camarinha-Matos, L.M. (2018). “On Consensus-Based Distributed Blind Calibration of Sensor Networks”, Sensors, 18(11).
II Conference papers
Perić, M. and Perić, D. (2018). “Cost Effective FPGA Implementation of High Bandwidth Communication Through Slip Ring Using Circular Waveguide”, Proc. of SPIE Defence and Commercial Sensing Conference,Orlando (Florida, USA), 15-19 April 2018, Proc. Vol. SPIE 1063518., Ground/Air Multisensor Interoperability, Integration, and Networking for Persistent ISR IX, paper 1063518.
Stojanović, M., Vlahović, N., Stanković, M. andStanković, S. (2018, March). “Object Tracking in Thermal Imaging using Kemelized Correlation Filters”. INFOTEH-JAHORINA (INFOTEH), 2018 17th International Symposium, 1-6.
Perić, D., Livada, B., Radisavljević, M. and Vujić, S. (2018). “Performance Comparison of SWIR Vision Systems Using MTF Analysis”, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computing Engineering, IcETRAN 2018, Palić, Serbia.
Livada, B. (2018). “Ruggedized AMLCD Display Color Gamut Corrections Possibilities”, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computing Engineering, IcETRAN 2018, Palić, Serbia.
Vlahović, N., Stojanović, M., Stanković, M. and Stanković, S. (2018). “Adaptive Video Stabilization using Kalman filtering”, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computing Engineering, IcETRAN 2018, Palić, Serbia.
Vlahović, N. and Đurović, Ž. (2018). “Object Tracking in Thermal Image with SURF, KLT Feature Tracker and Kalman Filter”, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computing Engineering, IcETRAN 2018, Palić, Serbia.
Pavlović, R., Vlahović, N. and Petrović, V. (2018). “Comparative Analysis of Feature Descriptor Algorithms in Multisensor Systems”, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computing Engineering, IcETRAN 2018, Palić, Serbia.
Petrović, P., Grbić, N., Džolić, B., Lekić, N. and Perić, M. (2018). “Software for Monitoring HFSW over The Horizon Radar”, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computing Engineering, IcETRAN 2018, Palić, Serbia, TEI2.8.1-4.
Grbić, N., Petrović, P., Stevanović, N., Džolić, B., Nikolić, D. i Lekić, N. (2018). “Simulacija radarske površine brodova u kratkotalasnom frekventnom opsegu”, Zbornik radova Konverencije ETRAN, Palić.
Pavlović, M., Petrović, R., Stojanović, B. and Stanković, S. (2018). “Facial Expression and Lighting Conditions Influence on Face Recognition Performance”, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computing Engineering, IcETRAN 2018, Palić, Serbia, EK1.4.1-5.
Petrović, R., Stojanović, B., Pavlović, M. and Stanković, S. (2018). “Thermal-to-Visible Face Recognition for Illumination Invariant Systems”, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computing Engineering, IcETRAN 2018, Palić, Serbia, EK1.4.1-5.
Nerandžić, M., Trifunović, S., Petrović, R., Stojanović, B. and Perić, M. (2018). “Educational Platform for Voip Communication Legal Eavesdropping”, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computing Engineering, IcETRAN 2018, Palić, Serbia, TE1.5.1-4.
Ilić, N., Al Ali, K.O., Stanković, M., Stankovic S. (2018). “On Stability of Multi-step Consensus Scheme for Distributed Target Tracking in Sensor Networks Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computing Engineering, IcETRAN 2018, Palić, Serbia,AUI1.2.1-6.
Vučetić, M. and Hudec, M. (2018). “A Flexible Approach to Matching User Preferences with Records in Datasets based on the Conformance Measure and Aggregation Functions”, Proc. of International Joint Conference and Conference of Computational Intelligence, 18-20 septembar 2018, Seville, Spain, 168-175.
Perić, D. and Livada, B. (2018). “Technical, Technological and Application Limitations of the Electro-Optical Surveillance Systems”, 8th International Scientific Conference on Defensive Technologies OTEH 2018.
Livada, B. (2018). “The Estimation of the Led Back Light Lifetime”, 8th International Scientific Conference on Defensive Technologies OTEH 2018.
Vujić, S. and Livada, B. (2018). “Target Position CEP Estimation Using Electro-optical Multisensor Surveillence System”, 8th International Scientific Conference on Defensive Technologies OTEH 2018.
Tomić, B., Perić, D., Radisavljević, M. and Vujić, S. (2018). “Reticle Integration and Camera Calibration in Multi-sensor Surveillance Systems”, 8th International Scientific Conference on Defensive Technologies OTEH 2018.
Vlahović, N., Stojanović, M., Tomić, Lj.,Mišković, K., Stojanović, B. and Kovačević A. (2018). “Thermal Image Noise Reduction Post-Processing Techniques”, 8th International Scientific Conference on Defensive Technologies OTEH 2018.
Vlahović, N., Stojanović, B., Stanković, S. and Al Ali, K.O. (2018). “DehazingAlgorithms Influence on Video Stabilization Performance”, 8th International Scientific Conference on Defensive Technologies OTEH 2018.
Vlahović, N. and Pavlović, R. (2018). “UAV Tracking on Fused Thermal and Color Image”, 8th International Scientific Conference on Defensive Technologies OTEH 2018.
Vlahović, N., Ilić, N. and Stanković, S. (2018). “Deep Learning in Video Stabilization Homography Estimation”, 14th Symposium on Neural Networks and Applications (NEUREL) 2018.
Stojanović, B.,Puzović, S.,Vlahović, N.,Petrović, R. and Stanković, S. (2018). “Real-Time Multi-Sensor Infrared Imagery Enhancement”, 14th Symposium on Neural Networks and Applications (NEUREL) 2018.
Pavlović M., Stojanović, B., Petrović R. and Stanković S. (2018). “Fusion of Visual and Thermal Imagery for Illumination Invariant Face Recognition System”, 14th Symposium on Neural Networks and Applications (NEUREL) 2018.
Stojanović, M., Vlahović, N., Stanković, M. and Stanković, S. (2018). “Deep Features in Correlation Filters for Thermal Image Tracking“,Proc. of 14th Symposium on Neural Networks and Applications (NEUREL), Belgrade, November 20 - 21, 2018.
Špaňhel, J., Sochor, J. and Aleksej Makarov. (2018). “Vehicle Fine-grained Recognition Based on Convolutional Neural Networks for Real-world Applications“, Proc. of 14th Symposium on Neural Networks and Applications (NEUREL), Belgrade, November 20 - 21, 2018.
Špaňhel, J., Sochor, J. and Aleksej Makarov. (2018). “Detection of Traffic Violations of Road Users Based on Convolutional Neural Networks“, Proc. of 14th Symposium on Neural Networks and Applications (NEUREL), Belgrade, November 20 - 21, 2018.
Knežević, K. Mandić, E., Petrović, R. and Stojanović, B. (2018). “Blur and Motion Blur Influence on Face Recognition Performance“, Proc. of 14th Symposium on Neural Networks and Applications (NEUREL), Belgrade, November 20 - 21, 2018.
Stanković, M.S., Stanković, S.S. and K. H. Johansson. (2018). “Distributed Offset Correction for Time Synchronization in Networks with Random Delays“, Proc. European Control Conference (ECC), Limassol, Cyprus, 2018.
Stojanović, B., Marques, O. and Nešković, A. (2018). “Machine Learning Based Overlapped Latent Fingerprints Segmentation and Separation“,Proc. of 26th IEEE Telecommunications forum (TELFOR), Belgrade, Serbia.
Popadić, I. (2018). “HDR-like imaging–Invited paper“, Proc. of 26th IEEE Telecommunications forum (TELFOR), Belgrade, Serbia.
Banjac, Z., Đurović, Ž. andKovačević, B. (2018). “Approximate Kalman Filtering Using Robustified Dynamic Stochastic Approximation Method“, Proc. of 26th IEEE Telecommunications forum (TELFOR), Belgrade, Serbia.
Tošić, N.M., Samčović, A., Lekić, N., Todorović, B.M., Janković, S. and Mladenović, S. (2018). “Analiza interferencije u HF opsegu uzrokovane LED reflektorom korišćenjem slike spektrograma“, Proc. of 26th IEEE Telecommunications forum (TELFOR), Belgrade, Serbia.